Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fieston el 23!!

Pues para la gente de la palma que le guste la fiesta!!
el dia 23 de julio se va a celebrar un cacho fieston en la bajita(al lado del aeropuerto)
van a venir dj´s de otras islas y tambien de nuestra isla bonita!!
sera una cacho fiesta a la que van a asistir mas de 300 increible!!
nos juntaremos un monton de jente, gente de toqas partes de la palma! bueno ya sabeis mucha gente guapa!!
Bueno si en julio el cuerpo os pide fiesta ya sabeis que si os llevais dinero y bebida la fiesta sera inigualable...porque la musica la ponemos nosotros!!

As for the people of the palm that likes to party!
On 23 July, is holding a horn in the petite fieston (near airport)
dj's are coming from other islands and also of our beautiful island!
horn will be a party you will attend more than 300 people ... if amazing!
we will gather a lot of jente, people toqas parts of the palm! well you know a lot of beautiful people!
Well if the body in July party and asks you if you know that you bear the party money and drink will be unique ... because we put our music!

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